Photoshop CC 2017 and Citrix XenDesktop with AppDisks



i'm trying install photoshop cc 2017 in our citrix xendesktop enviroment appdisks-feature (similar vmware's app volumes/appstacks. use non-persistent virtual desktops.


for packaging used adobe creative cloud packager , created msi/setup.exe-package photoshop cc 2017 (creative cloud teams). after installing master-image/appdisks package, deploy xendesktop appdisks, logging in creative cloud , starting photoshop, error:


"the com.adobe.preview.loader extension not loaded because not signed.".


the common workaround described here: photoshop com.adobe.preview.loader extension not loaded not applicable in xendesktop enviroment.


who can give use hint, how install photoshop cc correctly in non-persistent desktop enviroment?

More discussions in Deployment for Creative Cloud for Team, Enterprise, & CS



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