Multiple variable list entries

i trying following fields output adobe forms.


i have first field listpicker_1 has following selections window 1, window 2 , window 3. 1 item chosen until items have been selected.


once selection made in listpicker_1, following field must satisfied listpicker_2 has values vent 1, vent 2, vent 3 , vent 4. 1 item chosen


again once selection made in listpicker_2 following choices must made in listpicker _3: broken, scratched, chipped, inside pane, outside pane, no damage.  more 1 of these may chosen.


as example results might like:                                        format use follows

window 1     vent 1     broken inside pane                                        listpicker_1_1_listpicker2_1_listpicker_3_1

window 1     vent 2     no damage                                                    listpicker_1_1_listpicker2_2_listpicker_3_2

window 1     vent 3     chipped

window 1     vent 4      scratched chipped outside pane


it repeat windows 2 , 3


i'm new @ , can't print

you have use custom javascript. have looked @ of adobe provided tutorials?


have searched forums setting text fields form drop down?

More discussions in PDF Forms



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