Not able to open photos

i in desperate need of situation causing me loose mind.

so im using photoshop cc on macbook air. upload photos onto macbook automatically upload photos. when open photoshop cc , go file open , in photos few if of of photos there appear. have spoken photoshop on chat before , advised copy , paste photos pictures , able view of images. problem after have copied , pasted losing lot of quality in images , pixelated. if has had similar issues or knows of solution really appreciate help.

so macbook full of air not brains.  not sound good  idea use copy , past image viewer that  scaling down image fit on display.  5k display has less pixels camera. sure told use copy , paste.  think better way use drag finder , drop on photoshop.  use windows know.


the problem seems uplaoad photos.  photos not seem work photoshop.  problem adobe's or apple's.

More discussions in Photoshop



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