ok.....i trying render out large file (44,444 frames)
the piece 30 minutes long.....originally rendered in ae. took 20 hours.
then made fixes/changes. took 28 hours render.
then made more fixes. stopped it, because forecasting 40 hours go after rendering 15 hours.
now rendering through media encoder.
time render keeps creeping up. after 30 minutes projected (and steadily growing) 25 hours.
i using effects (twirling globe, water turbulence). admittedly content heavy. slowing down 1 frame
every 40 seconds.....that crazy!
please help......
thank in advance,
the piece 30 minutes long.....originally rendered in ae. took 20 hours.
this sound crazy let me ask this. have effect affecting whole 30 minutes in entirety cannot reproduced in nle software simple setup. because rendering long gives warning sign doing in ae inefficient. wise man once said "ae creating shots, not editing movies" if chance trying edit movie in ae - stop. take parts need ae , returned them premiere via lossless codec , done in premiere in far less time.
if not case give more information have there, maybe can offer proper workflow.
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