Clicking [Audio Plug-In Manager] (in Preferences) shows nothing

ppro2017 not aware of vst3 plug-ins ppro2015.2 aware of, going re-scan audio plug-in manager.


i go preferences. click audio chooser on left. see [audio plug-in manager] button.


click button, lose focus on preferences, no new window appears.


can hit esc return preferences. , repeat process endlessly.


is window supposedly visible can't see on-screen.


have 3-screen odd layout. try disabling monitors in case appears in wrong location... maybe remembering x,y coord no longer exists in workplace config.


but if has suggestion please share.


win10 (latest update) x64. 64gb ram.


update: there similar other buttons in preferences bring new modal windows. not see same problem them, [audio plug-in manager] this.


update: see older version (still installed) doing too. 9.2.0 (41) build or 2015.2. maybe preferences being corrupt or plug-ins themselves.

do not know why window never appeared, found screen-cap of invisible windows looked like... r.jpg


...i able tab , space , enter around until able re-scan plug-ins. can see added effects, where-as before not.


will report bug.

More discussions in Premiere Pro CC



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