Best practise: Phonegap Video Streaming

i stream several videos webspace within phonegap app. assume there different ways of realizing proper video streaming. have best practise example me (lightweight code, fast , reliable)

my suggestions:


option 1: using html 5 video tag , refer external url.
//does work on both os (android & ios)?


option 2: using cordova plugin , triggering video streaming javascript.
// found github - nchutchind/cordova-plugin-streaming-media: simple plugin loading full screen streaming video or audio. not up-to-date though.


i happy comments, suggestions or best practise examples.



as have not got reply need stress problem little.
i tried use html 5 video tag whhich broken on android build.
i tried of cordova-plugin-media-streaming not work either.
i tried stream videos jplayer jquery extension, not working too.


so dear phonegap community, sure of have used video streaming phonegap. how this?

More discussions in PhoneGap Build



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