Quickstart - Deploy Adobe Access DRM License Server (Reference Implementation)

the flash access quickstart documentation online bit dated (http://www.adobe.com/support/adobeaccess/pdfs/server/adobeaccess_4_refimpl.pdf ), , speaks setting feature-limited "protected streaming license server".  makes mention of flash access packager manager, has been removed later releases of flash/adobe access.  document serve new version, , walk through deploying feature-rich reference implementation license server, instead.


as primer guide, recommended ask adobe representative copy of white paper titled “primetime drm ecosystem”, outlines lifecycle , components of adobe access drm product.


*note: flash access drm same adobe access drm same primetime drm.  going forward, refer product “adobe access” only.



[ purpose ]

end-to-end guide on deploying license server , confirming can issue licenses.


[ requirements ]

  • java 1.6 or above (download oracle)
  • latest adobe access drm dvd adobe sales representative
  • tomcat 6 or above (included on adobe access drm dvd)


[ overview ]

  1. acquire certificates adobe
  2. scramble password(s) certificates
  3. configure properties
  4. configure crossdomain.xml
  5. deploy war & launch server
  6. confirm server running & diagnose issues


[ details ]

1. acquire certificates adobe
adobe access drm relies on rsa certificates chain of trust.  of cryptography based on our pki hierarchy.  content , license server function in our pki ecosystem, have issued own certificate(s) rooted off of adobe’s certificate authority.  that, please follow instructions outlined in adobe access certificate enrollment guide: adobe access certificate enrollment guide
once complete, have collection of pfx/pem/der certificate files , associated password(s).  if requested trial or demo certificate, may have been issued single “super-certificate” play role of 3 key pairs.  if requested production certificates, receive different key pairs each component of adobe access ecosystem.  because different key pairs have different levels of associated security.  purposes of quick start, assume have trial or demo account adobe - single key pair issued you.

2. scramble password(s) certificates
the reference implementation license server assumes private key stored on disk, , password protected.  obviously, not secure, , recommended server’s private key (which acquired adobe in previous step) stored in secured manner, on hsm.  however, quick start assumes attempting put proof-of-concept, liberties allowed.
in order reference implementation read private key disk, must read password configuration file called flashaccess-refimpl.properties.  bad practice store password text file in clear text, password scrambled before saving file.  reference implementation know how unscramble password before consuming it.
to scramble password:

  1. open command prompt , navigate <dvd>\reference implementation\server\reference implementation server\refimpl\scrambler\
  2. run command: java -classpath ..\..\..\..\..\sdk\adobe-flashaccess-sdk.jar;. com.adobe.flashaccess.refimpl.util.scrambleutil <your pfx private key password>


save output of above command use while configuring license server.



3. configure properties


the reference implementation reads configuration options , associated data “resources” directory.  the dvd includes sample of @ <dvd>\reference implementation\server\reference implementation server\resources\.  within directory server’s configuration file: flashaccess-refimpl.properties.  must updated prior launching server.


1. config.resourcesdirectory = resources directory located.

2. handlerconfiguration.servertransportcredential = super-cert pfx

3. handlerconfiguration.servertransportcredential.password = scrambled password

4. licensehandler.servercredential = super-cert pfx

5. licensehandler.servercredential.password = scrambled password

6. metadataconverter.signatureparameters.servercredential = super-cert pfx

7. metadataconverter.signatureparameters.servercredential.password = scrambled password

8. v2keyparameters.licenseserverurl = http://localhost:8080

9. v2keyparameters.keyoptions.asymmetrickeyoptions.certificate = super-cert pem

10. v2keyparameters.licenseservertransportcertificate = super-cert pem


once above have been updated, copy entire \resources directory desired location , note it.  you’ll have update catalina.properties file in tomcat’s conf directory order let tomcat know directory is.  example:




finally, make easier diagnose issues, helpful increase logging level debug.  can opening \resources\log4j.xml , changing debug=“false” debug=“true”.  in addition, adobe access log file , location determined in file.  default configured “adobeflashaccess.log” no directory specified.  means log file written working directory of tomcat launched (e.g. <tomcat>\bin\).  if not ideal recommended updated other logs go (e.g. set value adobeflashaccess.log ../logs/adobeflashaccess.log).



4. configure crossdomain.xml (flash player only)


to allow service communicate off-host resources, idea have open crossdomain.xml file @ root of license server.  please copy http://access.adobeprimetime.com/crossdomain.xml root of tomcat server (<tomcat>\webapps\root\).



5. deploy war , launch server


copy pre-built adobe access reference implementation license server tomcat \webapps directory.  pre-built war can found at: <dvd>\reference implementation\server\reference implementation server\ , should copied <tomcat>\webapps\


launch tomcat command prompt:

1. navigate <tomcat>\bin\

2. run command: startup.bat



6. confirm server running & diagnose issues


if there issues, first place server logs.  if server set per instructions above, logs should output <tomcat>\logs\.   perform self-check on license server, open browser , go following url: http://localhost:8080/flashaccess/license/v4



congratulations.  have completed setup of adobe access drm license server.  next step process package content protected , requires acquiring license license in order play content.



[ references ]

online comprehensive guide on reference implementations come adobe access: http://help.adobe.com/en_us/primetime/drm/5.3/reference_implementations/index.html#concept -adobe_primetime_drm_reference_implementations


troubleshooting: http://help.adobe.com/en_us/primetime/drm/5.3/reference_implementations/index.html#concept -troubleshooting

More discussions in Adobe Access DRM / Primetime DRM



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