How do I remove code from the HTML head?
how remove code in head, have additional </script> in head , page not loading up. when remove in dreamweaver loads.
<!doctype html>
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<meta name="description" content="roseville community schools educational institution high expectations academics, lifelong learning , use of technology. our learning community provides safe , positive environment promotes diversity , respect members of society. expect every roseville community schools student leave knowledge, self confidence , work ethic meet challenges of future"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="roseville, michigan, public school, rosevillepride, roseville, pride, school of choice, macomb county, best school, great school, school"/>
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the code has either been added 3rd party widget, or it's been placed in html <head> section of page properties.
try disabling 3rd party widgets , check page properties of affected page , master pages page uses.
creative muse
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